Sustainability Department
Isabella Manfredi
Chief Sustainability and Communications Officer
Research & Development Department
Cosmo di Cecca
Group Research and Development Manager
We are convinced that the success of a business is closely linked to the sustainable development of the context in which it operates, and that only the full involvement of stakeholders can enable a company to fully understand its 'purpose'.

The Feralpi Sustainability Network is an engagement initiative designed to meet the key requirement for the development of a sustainable business, i.e. have a network of stakeholders involved in nurturing ongoing dialogue with the Feralpi Group on sustainable development topics.
The network is open to all of the Group's external stakeholders: • shareholders and investors • suppliers • community organisations • institutions and certification bodies • media organisations • voluntary sector • market and industry • Agents • universities and research institutes.
Join the network
Feralpi has always supported local organisations, trade associations, government departments and organisations, universities, educational and research establishments, sporting organisations and non-profit organisations.
Feralpi has identified the following focus areas:
Safeguarding and caring for the environment
Education, training and work as tools for change
Social inclusion through sport and culture, and the creation of inclusive spaces
Promotion of individual physical and mental wellbeing and safety at work
Community development
These six areas are accompanied by four specific areas to support artistic and cultural heritage, including culture as an educational tool, developing the culture of industry, providing education and information on the world of steel, and safeguarding the artistic and cultural heritage of the territory. These areas of action have been defined in line with the 7 pillars of the sustainability strategy and the 6 Global Development Goals selected by the Group.
How to submit a request
If you are a non-profit organisation, cultural organisation, educational establishment or government department in our community and want to involve Feralpi, or an individual company in the Group, in a joint project, or request help in supporting an initiative:
You will be contacted soon.