Feralpi supports various promotional initiatives throughout the Brescia area, including Alleanza per la Cultura and Club della Rocca.
It is thanks to this unique and unbreakable bond that the Feralpi Group is part of Brescia Musei Foundation's Alleanza per la Cultura. As the main sponsor for the 2020-2022 three-year period, the group will be supporting special initiatives relating to exhibitions, cultural communication and installation projects, museum site developments and monumental heritage upgrades.
The initiative is based on sharing a strategic cultural vision with partners, in which popular, scientific and artistic events will be the tool for promoting the social and economic development of the city of Brescia and its province. In particular, Brescia has a manufacturing tradition rooted in a culture that has shaped art and human thinking, thanks to an ability to model material. Even today, in the third millennium, this knowledge has social and economic correlation in an industrial context where operations constitute a point of excellence.
In addition to the Brescia Musei Foundation, in 2020 the Feralpi Group decided to support the Amici della Rocca Club at the Ugo da Como Foundation. This exclusive association in the province of Brescia unites and welcomes private parties and companies that support and share the foundation's values and an interest in culture, and wish to support projects and activities central to the enhancement of the fortress complex (La Rocca) in Lonato del Garda.
“The development of an area and a community evolves through business and culture. Business has an entrepreneurial spirit, it provides employment and wellbeing for families. Culture on the other hand, gives life objectives, content and meaning. It is therefore paramount to link an area's artistic and cultural connections to entrepreneurial spirit”.
Giovanni Pasini CEO Feralpi Group
During the difficult months characterised by the Covid-19 emergency, this support is even more important and valuable. Indeed culture and the development of our artistic heritage is the very place for starting again - as people, as a community, and as a country.