Women in manufacturing - a turning point not just for Feralpi


Not only does this discussion refer to a project, it also refers to history, because the journey that led to us creating the conditions for recruiting women into the company's production areas is a wonderful part of our story.

Let's talk figures. These speak volumes about the current scenario - there are very few women in production departments in manufacturing companies. In Italy the figure is around 0.5%.

The world of steel is changing though, because job roles are no longer strictly related to gender thanks to organisational, technological and cultural developments, which the industry and the company have been successful at implementing.

Brawn is not required in the steelworks, it's brains that are important and, therefore, skills.

Steel Women: the starting point

The first important aspect to realise is that recruiting women into male-dominated roles was not a development that transpired quickly.

The initial step was applying a code of ethics. And this was 2008. Even that long ago the foundations had already been laid for the Group's companies to guarantee the application of principles concerning ethics, equality and inclusiveness.

This was still only in theory though.

The real challenge still lay ahead and it took time. Too much time maybe? Perhaps. But change came anyway.

The commitment of senior management was another crucial step in the right direction. A formal pathway ensued, which included joining in with key internal calls to action.

An action plan followed the company's initial steps, which combined organisational and cultural aspects, and it was the latter that required greater focus.

The company wanted to engage with colleagues in the organisation, and a team of ambassadors from the Group's Italian and foreign companies was set up with the aim of communicating the values in the Diversity & Inclusion Policy at all levels, even in male-dominated production areas.

The final step was to appoint a Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Welfare Manager, and we eventually arrived at the open days and the recruitment of the first women in the steel production area.


Read about our journey towards inclusion


Developments in steelmaking

We don't feel we've done anything exceptional in general terms, but this is definitely new in the world of manufacturing or steelmaking, which is often too slow to react.

Seeing a woman in the steelworks is now a reality, and Feralpi wants it to stay that way.

The ESG Scorecard contains the goals Feralpi has set out as part of its improvement plan from now until 2030. One element is the recruitment of women in production (≥5% / year) and the aim for women to make up at least 50% of the workforce in corporate services at Feralpi Siderurgica.

Irrespective of the figures, highlights and objectives, it goes without saying that the Feralpi Group will be continuing on this journey, which has not yet reached its final destination.

Testimonies from our colleagues

If you've made it to this point then you've obviously been interested in hearing about this plan. But maybe you're not completely sure about what it means for Feralpi and the industry.

This is why we wanted to accompany this story with contributions from our female colleagues,  where they talk about their thoughts, challenges and hopes for the future. These are personal journeys in the world of work, relayed by women in the company who found an inclusive space where they can realise their full potential.